Tuesday, July 6, 2010

MasterChef Drinking Game

I'm sure someone's already come up with this, but last Friday I was sitting at home and watching Master Class with my family (minus my brother who was probably on the computer) and we were laughing about how much butter the judges put in their food, so I decided we should turn it into a drinking game. The scariest part was how enthusiastic my dad was about it; playing drinking games with your parents is weird. It also feels weird when I'm drinking my midori and lemonade and everyone else is drinking wine.

I'm sure someone's already come up with one, and this one could probably do with some fine tuning, but here it is. Basically you drink when:

  • Gary or George puts butter in one of their dishes
  • Ditto for olive oil or salt (these first two can also be used for contestants)
  • Product placement, e.g. cheese is put in a dish and there's a close-up of the "Perfect Italiano" logo
  • Any time "dream", "journey", or "competition" is mentioned
  • Every time Matt Preston raises his eyebrow
  • Every time the judges think that a dish needs more salt
  • When Matt wears extra-flamboyant clothes, e.g. pink pants or the shoes with the cowprint pattern
We didn't really come up with that much, as you can see, and it was mostly designed for the Master Class, but if someone can come up with any more, that would be appreciated.

From Tom:
  • The use of the words "deep" and "rich" whenever someone uses chocolate
  • When all the contestants turn around at exactly the same time in exactly the same way (anything that looks choreographed?)
  • Whenever anyone (contestants or judges) uses the word "beautiful" to describe food.
  • Whenever a contestant says they won't finish
From Garnham:
  • When Aaron says 'awesome'
  • Whenever Claire cries - this could actually be when anyone cries
  • When George rocks back on his heels or says 'chop chop'
  • When Matt throws food over his shoulder or smashes a plate

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